Is laminate flooring waterproof?

Laminate flooring is a great, budget-friendly choice for busy households. A versatile flooring choice, laminate flooring is suitable for almost any rooms, sometimes even kitchens or bathrooms. However, not all laminate flooring is waterproof, so you should make sure that your laminate has been treated with a moisture barrier before installing it.

Laminate flooring is not waterproof. It can handle spills with proper care, but it's not designed to be a flooring choice for areas prone to moisture.

Laminate flooring in a living area

If you've ever had the opportunity to walk barefoot across a laminate floor in your home or workplace, you know that it’s quite durable when it comes to protecting itself against liquid damage. That's because laminate flooring is made of highly pressed wood layers topped with a photographic applique layer under a clear protective layer (usually made from vinyl), which makes it very difficult (but not impossible) for water damage from spillage or flooding to seep through and cause serious issues.

While laminate flooring is not waterproof, it can handle spills with proper care. The top surface of laminate flooring is not waterproof and so should be kept clean to avoid damage to the finish. This means no standing water or moisture on your floor! If you do get something spilled on your laminate floor, follow these steps to cleaning laminate floors below:

  • First, remove excess water using a towel or mop if possible

  • Next, wipe up any remaining moisture using a microfiber cloth (or other absorbent cloth) before it seeps into the baseboard or subfloor

It is worth noting, there are some laminate floors on the market which are built with waterproof surfaces. Meaning that while the board underneath is not waterproof, the surface is, and thus can be fitted in kitchens and bathrooms safely, provided it is sealed off with silicone around the edges, but check the products you are buying carefully! Commonly, most laminate floors are not waterproof.

Dark oak laminate flooring in a living room

You should also consider the type of spill in question when determining how best to clean it off your flooring—a spill on an oil-based liquid will require different cleaning methods than one involving something like juice or fizzy drinks.

The wear layer of laminate flooring is printed to look like real wood, but it’s made of plastic and other synthetic materials, so it isn’t truly waterproof. It can be damaged by the moisture that seeps into the flooring in the event of flooding or other natural disasters.

Laminate flooring is not waterproof. It's important to understand that laminate is not a good choice for areas prone to heavy moisture or excessive moisture. If you have kids in the house, it is likely that they will spill something on your laminate flooring at some point. If you have pets in the house, they are likely to play in the water bowl and get it all over their fur, which can spread onto your laminate flooring (and eventually into your carpet if you don't clean up promptly).

If you're trying to decide whether or not laminate would be right for any room in your home, consider how much wear and tear it will take from various activities happening there—and try to avoid putting this material on surfaces where people are likely to track mud through from outside after it rains heavily!

In conclusion, laminate flooring is not waterproof, but is still a good choice for busy homes with pets and children. Any spillage should be cleaned up immediately with a cloth or mop to take the moisture off the floor. Laminate floors can be put in kitchens, provided the previous steps are taken. But do so with caution! We do not generally advise putting laminate in bathrooms, however.


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